Home Blog 13 Fun Facts About Optimal Shoulder Performance

13 Fun Facts About Optimal Shoulder Performance

Written on April 13, 2010 at 7:21 am, by Eric Cressey

With the recent release of Mike Reinold and my Optimal Shoulder Performance DVD Set, I thought it’d be a good time to list of a few more reasons to pick up a copy of this thorough resource.

1. The presentations in this DVD set not only outline the differences in shoulder conditions among ordinary lifting populations, sedentary folks, and overhead throwing athletes – but it also outlines different ways to manage these individuals.

2. When you consider annual salaries and signing bonuses, collectively, Mike and I manage over $1 billion in professional baseball shoulders annually.  If that doesn’t put your shoulder programs to the test, nothing will.


(just signed a 4-year, $68 million contract….Beckett, not Mike – sorry, Mike)

3. My second presentation of the day – Training the Injured Shoulder During- and Post-Rehabilitation – discusses what folks with different shoulder conditions CAN do in the weight room in spite of their shoulder issues.  This makes OSP a great resource for personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and fitness enthusiasts concerned with maintaining a training effect without exacerbating shoulder symptoms.

4. You’ll put down your blanky and stop demanding a MRI for everything, because my first presentation of the day will demonstrate that diagnostic imaging like MRIs and x-rays are just one piece of a diagnostic puzzle that should include specific movement evaluations.


5. You’ll learn why the term “shoulder tendinitis” is usually a load of crap.

6. As you probably know, the Red Sox and Yankees don’t get along too well.

New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

So, when a Red Sox staff member gives a talk so good that a Yankees organization staff member shows him some love, that’s a pretty good feather in your product’s cap:

“I attended this seminar with high hopes of learning more about the ‘baseball shoulder’ from two different approaches of the sports medicine and performance community.  This seminar not only exceeded my expectations, but more importantly, took ‘one huge leap’ toward bridging the gap between two different communities (physical therapy/athletic training and strength and conditioning) that have the same common goal: to get athletes on the field of play and keep them there.  These two highly-intelligent leaders of their respective fields have a great sense of evidence-influenced practice, and maybe more importantly, have an innate ability to readily and effectively communicate their knowledge.  Thanks to Eric and Mike, this seminar was momentous in the on-going mission of creating a ‘common language’ for those working in the performance-based fields.  I encourage any and all members of the performance fields to invest in the DVDs of this seminar and attend any seminar Mike and Eric put on. I promise you will learn something valuable every single time you have the opportunity to listen to either of them because they are constantly learning, studying, and changing – all great signs of any leader of any field.”

Scott DiFrancesco, ATC, CSCS
Minor League Athletic Trainer – New York Yankees

7. You’ll learn how to screen for congenital laxity and modify shoulder training in its presence.

8. Both Mike and I have been featured in The Boston Globe and The Boston Herald for our unique training methods.  Check these two examples out:

This Joint is Jumping (Mike)

Custom Body Shop (Eric)

9. These DVDs will make you realize that true symmetry in the human body is likely a complete myth, particularly in the context of throwing shoulders.

10. You’ll learn the most effective rotator cuff exercises, some of which I guarantee you won’t have seen before – so they’ll also keep your training “fresh.”


11. Mike was formerly the Facility Director of Champion Sports Medicine and the Coordinator of Rehabilitative Research & Clinical Education at the American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL.  That means he rehabbed a lot of big time athletes and did a lot of big-time research.  I, on the other hand, am best known for my charming wit, ravishingly good looks, and entertaining personality.

12. You’ll appreciate that simply repositioning the scapula can dramatically impact rotator cuff function to enable you to achieve personal bests you never thought were possible on 1-rep max rotator cuff exercises:

Okay, maybe there won’t be any 1RMs featured, but we will talk about the importance of scapular positioning with respect to cuff function.

13. You’ll learn about the different types of impingement, how to test for each, and how to manage these issues both in the context of rehabilitation and training around them.

Click Here to Purchase Optimal Shoulder Performance or get More Information

7 Responses to “13 Fun Facts About Optimal Shoulder Performance”

  1. Rick Kaselj Says:


    Looking forward to getting it.

    I will add the 1 RM RC Test to list of test. I have called it the Cressey Test.

    Rick Kaselj


  2. Walt Denkinger Says:


    I am already sold on this product but wanted to ask the following question anyway.

    For a trainer working exclusively or almost exclusively, would any other resource on the shoulder ever be needed? I am all for continuing education, but this product sounds like as much or more than someone working with the general population would ever need to get dynamite results with clients.

  3. Eric Cressey Says:


    One other resource I’d strongly encourage folks to get is a good anatomy text such as Netter’s. While we can teach a ton in a day of presentations, the underlying anatomy is something that takes a bit more time to master.

    Mike’s The Athlete’s Shoulder is also an excellent product worth checking out.

  4. Walt Denkinger Says:

    Thanks for those tips, Eric. Much obliged.

  5. Jonathan Jackson Says:

    I have been dealing with shoulder issues for the past 3 years. One surgery, consecutive sublaxations. Both shoulders are really tight, and very prone to injury. I play rugby and my shoulder problems have hindered my performance for too long. I’m very excited to learn all I can to improve my shoulders. This program looks spot on!

  6. Dave Goscha Says:

    Does this help the underhand/submarine pitcher? My son is a freshman college pitcher, effective as all get-out, but can’t seem to move his velo off of the 70 mph zone. Would like to pick up an extra 10, if possible.

  7. Eric Cressey Says:


    This isn’t an actual program to follow; it’s an educational DVD set for trainers/clinicians. If he’s looking for an actual program, he’d be better off with The High Performance Handbook.

  • Avoid the most common deadlifting mistakes
  • 9 - minute instructional video
  • 3 part follow up series