Home Baseball Content Exercise of the Week: Box Jump with 1-leg Landing

Exercise of the Week: Box Jump with 1-leg Landing

Written on February 9, 2012 at 8:43 pm, by Eric Cressey

For this week's exercise of the week, I had some help from Miami Marlins pitcher and Cressey Performance client Steve Cishek, as well as Stack.com and New Balance Baseball.  Check it out:

A lot of folks do lower-level single-leg plyos and bilateral jumping/landing variations, but many folks never get around to combining the two.  This is a great option for those looking to take things to the next level.  Just make sure you're conservative with box height, for safety sake.

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12 Responses to “Exercise of the Week: Box Jump with 1-leg Landing”

  1. Dave Says:

    From back in 2003…

  2. Christopher Johnson Says:

    Great exercise. I know when I see a great exercise as it’s simple, specific, and consistent with the performance demands of the sport. Thanks Eric!

  3. Conor Says:

    Awesome looking exercise…definitely going to try this out!

  4. Matt Says:

    I love this exercise, I feel it would especially be very helpful for the young female athlete as this would be sure to help in the prevention of ACL tears. Of course we must progress to it first. Thanks for the idea!

  5. Brian Utley Says:

    Thanks for sharing, Eric. I’m always looking for ways to integrate acceleration and deceleration variables while remaining conscious of unilateral training. That’s a great drill to plug into my plyo progression.

  6. Steve Says:

    Very cool – I would’ve never thought of that. I’ll test it out this afternoon. Cheers!

  7. Steve Says:

    Solid, thanks for sharing Eric!

  8. Ambrose WB Says:

    Hey Cressey, I love that they’ve got you on Stack! I use a lot of your stuff for my baseball players or course, but also my guys who don’t do nearly enough mobility and deadlifting…keep it up!

  9. Ray Mccarthy Says:

    Cool and great thinking on this move for pitchers…. C U around soon…
    Ray McCarthy

  10. P. Says:

    Thanks for posting this.

    Question, when would you do this exercise? Does it belong on a leg day?

    Would doing squats on the same day not mean added stress?


  11. Eric Cressey Says:

    Doing it on a lower-body day would be fine, P. It should be okay to do it on the same day as squatting, assuming you don’t have any pre-existing issues.

  12. Byron Pranger Says:


    Where can I find a thick bar pad like the video. Every time I use a standard bar pad, it bruises me and I end up not focusing on the exercise, only the pain of the bar.

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