Home Blog Cool Holiday Fitness Gift Ideas: The TRX Rip Trainer

Cool Holiday Fitness Gift Ideas: The TRX Rip Trainer

Written on December 14, 2011 at 7:37 am, by Eric Cressey

With the holidays upon us, I have received quite a few emails from folks inquiring about whether I have any recommendations for fitness goodies that might make good holiday presents, so I thought I’d throw one of them out there for today’s post.  Below, I’ll feature the TRX Rip Trainer.

On the advice of Boston Red Sox head athletic trainer (and Optimal Shoulder Performance co-creator) Mike Reinold, I checked out the Rip Trainer earlier this fall and started to incorporate it more and more into our strength and conditioning programs.

The Rip Trainer is a fantastic option for making chop and lift variations for rotary stability more convenient – especially if you’re on the road and don’t have access to a cable column. To increase difficulty, you simply walk further away from the attachment point.

Along those same lines, it actually affords incremental benefit over the traditional cable column, as it provides a greater excursion distance so that you can extend the range of motion, where appropriate.  An example would be the overhead lift, as demonstrated by Kansas City Royals pitcher Tim Collins.

You’ll notice that the asymmetrical load provides a rotary/lateral core challenge as Tim works to resist rotation and lateral flexion, but what’s tougher for the casual observer to appreciate is that Tim is also working his anterior core as he resists extension at his lumbar spine from the pull of the cord.  This wouldn’t be possible with many functional trainers because the cable simply isn’t long enough.

The folks at TRX put together the following highlight video that goes into more detail.  For more information, check out the TRX Rip Trainer product page.

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10 Responses to “Cool Holiday Fitness Gift Ideas: The TRX Rip Trainer”

  1. Coach Blaschke Says:

    one, please

  2. Ian Harris Says:

    Rotational and functional!!!
    May have to get a few of these to add in mix for some clients
    Merry Christmas Eric!

  3. James Cipriani Says:

    This is my first time seeing this. I’m definitely jumping on board.

  4. Marie Says:

    Very cool! Love how you can take it outside and hook around a tree or other stable base! Thanks for sharing, Eric.

  5. Carl Johnson Says:

    You can do the same thing with a resistance band and a wooden dowel. Why buy a RIP Trainer?

  6. Dylan Says:

    Wouldn’t the simulated sporting movements (lacrosse and hockey shots) be detrimental to be trained in such a fashion as shown in the TRX? All of my why when people decide to take “functional” training to absurd levels like that

  7. Eric Cressey Says:


    I’m not a fan of simulating sports movements, either. Those movements excluded, though, you’ve got a great piece of equipment.

  8. Eric Cressey Says:

    Carl – I wouldn’t be risking it with my athletes. The Rip Trainer is far more durable/safe, not to mention it actually looks professional.

  9. Matt Says:

    Carl – That was my thought too. I understand why a pro/licensed trainer might not.

    4′ of wood closet pole (1.5-2″ dia), a steel eye screw, and a steel carabiner. Probably cost $10-15. Pretty sure I can find some bands for less than $150.

    Was already thinking about going down to the hardwear store to make a few of those cool softball grips Smitty was using in the video w/ Tony.

    So these might have to be added as well to my “cheap” home gym. Already have a pretty functional TRX type setup I made with 300lb test nylon tiedown straps I got for about $10 at the store.

    But, yeah, its not a pro set up. If it fails, I’ll be the one getting hurt. And I’ve promised not to sue myself.

  10. chenelope Says:

    You’re saying ‘wax on wax off’ is a fallacy? Right, like I’m going to believe Cressey Sports Performance over Miyagi Do Karate.

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