Home Blog The Wait is Over: Show and Go is LIVE!

The Wait is Over: Show and Go is LIVE!

Written on September 20, 2010 at 9:48 pm, by Eric Cressey

This project has been almost a year in the making, so I’m super excited to have Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel, and Move Better ready for you.  As a way to celebrate, I’m offering a special introductory sale where you can save $50 off the regular price.  Check it out: www.ShowAndGoTraining.com.


5 Responses to “The Wait is Over: Show and Go is LIVE!”

  1. BC Says:

    Purchased it and look forward to going through it in more detail tonight. Two pieces of feedback:
    1) On the Show & Go Training Access Area page, it clearly says download the zip file now (i.e. Please Download Immediately – Do Not Leave This Page.). Cool but… down below, you have Steps 1 and 2. Step 1 says enter your name and email for updates, Step 2 says download. Once you do step 1 you get sent off to a different web page listing your other products. I was able to go back.
    2) The PDF reference containing links to all the exercises is good but I don’t know what the passwords are for most of the videos. I have to hunt through the PDF(s). I understand you don’t want that PDF to be the key for anyone not purchasing S&G to get your videos. Can you tell us where (i.e. what PDF and page #) we can find the passwords? Or maybe tell us what group each video belongs to. Anything would help.

  2. Eric Cressey Says:

    Ben, thanks for the feedback. Already addressing #1; the opt-in stuff helps us take people off of certain mailing lists about the product so that they don’t get hit with that stuff after they have already purchased (so I guess it’s really an opt-out).

    And in terms of #2, head to page 21 for the video database info. I put it there for a reason; I wanted people to read some important prerequisite stuff before jumping right to the videos.

    Thanks for your purchase!

  3. John Says:


    Show and go looks great! Once I am contemplating trying out the program myself when I am in the off season for powerlifting! The information is top notch really.

    The nutrition guide is a MUST HAVE add on as well. It is the most user friendly and comprehensive nutrition guide I have ever seen.

    Both Show and go and the Nutrition guide are easy to use and VERY practical.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Eric Cressey Says:

    Thanks, John! Glad you like it. 🙂

  5. Dylan Says:

    Any chance of that discount coming back around in time for the holidays? It would make all the difference for me.

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